Institutional Data Sources
Humboldt Institutional Data
Developing a sound and convincing Background or Needs Statement for your proposal may require you to research and present institutional data, for example on enrollment of unrepresented minorities over a specific time period, retention and graduation rates of a specific demographic in your department or a specific cluster of departments, faculty and student perceptions of inclusiveness and engagement with diversity, etc.
Humboldt’s Office of Institutional Effectiveness has a broad range of data dashboards available that allow filtering statistics by a diverse array of categories (e.g.: gender, underrepresented minority, first-generation status, major, academic year). If the specific data you are looking for are not currently available on the website, or if your needs include disaggregated or sensitive data, OIE can also provide you with ad hoc data. More information and options for requesting data are available on their Data on Demand page.
CSU-Wide Data
If you are looking for data on the level of the California State University system, the CSU Division of Institutional Research and Analyses is responsible for compiling student data from the 23 campuses of the California State University and disseminating statistical information about applications received, new enrollments, continuing enrollments, and degrees conferred. Many of the statistical tables posted on this site fulfill California or Federal reporting requirements. Other tables provide feedback regarding academic policies enacted by the CSU Board of Trustees. A small number of tables provide information related to budget allocations and fee revenues. Basic information for any college year can be found in the Statistical Reports series and each edition of the division's Statistical Abstract lists historical tables derived from the individual Statistical Reports. The unit also provides information on special themes such as academic performance reports among new undergraduates during their first year of study, math and English proficiency for new freshmen at entry, teaching credentials awarded, and student responses to periodic surveys.