Apply for Grants
When you are interested in obtaining grant funding, the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs is available to assist you at each step along the way. If you are looking for funding sources, please see our resources for finding funding.
After having a conversation with your Chair and Dean about your proposal idea, the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs requests you schedule an appointment with the Pre-Award Office to initiate the formal proposal routing process. The Office of Research & Sponsored Programs provides a step-by-step timeline you should initiate at a minimum one month preceding the proposal due date. The earlier you start the process, the better.
PI’s are strongly urged to allot ample time for a detailed proposal review (full review) prior to proposal submission. The Office of Research & Sponsored Programs reserves the right to withdraw any submitted proposal that does not comply with the CSU and University policy, and/or State and Federal regulations. ICSUAM Section 11000 requires University approval prior to submission.
Principal Investigator Eligibility
The SPF Principal Investigators and Project Directors Policy identifies those individuals who are eligible to serve as Principal Investigators (PIs), Co-Principal Investigators (Co-PI’s), and Project Directors (PDs).
Pre-Award Timeline for Proposal Submission
View the pre-award timeline which outlines the process.
Routing Process
The Institutional Routing and Authorization Form is to be completed as the formal proposal outlining your application to an external funder. The routing form must be completed and submitted to SPF prior to submitting a proposal to a funding agency.
The Modification Routing and Authorization Form is to be used for:
Modifications to existing awards if you are requesting a revision to your budget line items, a change in scope of work or change in key personnel such as the Principal Investigator. *Note the Modification Routing is not to be used for budget augmentations
No-Cost Extensions not involving faculty release time or any other changes will not require a Modification Routing to be submitted. For more information contact your Grant Analyst