
Sometimes SPF projects require a Principal Investigator (PI), student, or other staff to make one-time purchases with their personal funds. To be reimbursed for an out-of-pocket expense from a grant/contract or SPF trust, you must submit copies of your original, itemized receipts along with a Payment Request Form. This can be done electronically via SPF DocuSign Power Forms.

We are here to help you with your payment request forms!

As a reminder, the average turnaround time on AP processing is still 5-7 weeks. The best way to ensure that your SPF reimbursements, travel claims, advances, etc. are paid  timely is to submit complete and accurate documentation. We understand that this is not always easy to do!  SPF offers Drop-In Zoom Hours every weekday from 2:00-3:00pm. Please take advantage of these open drop-in sessions if you don’t feel confident with the information that you’re submitting (including ProCard reconciliations). The more corrections we can make with you on the front end, the quicker your reimbursements will be processed.

Reimbursements can be given in the form of a check or direct deposit. Signing up for direct deposit is easier than ever before! Click here to sign up: Direct Deposit Form for Accounts Payable Reimbursements 

If you have any questions on how to complete any type of reimbursement form, please contact our front office at (707) 826-4189 or for guidance. Occasionally SPF reimbursement and purchasing policies deviate from the University's policies. To learn more about existing exceptions please click below: 

Click Here to view the current

 Sponsored Programs Foundation (SPF) Exceptions and Notes for Accounts Payable (AP) Processing

Request for Payment

Request for Payment

If you are an approved signer on the grant, contract or trust and you are claiming a reimbursement for someone else, use this version of the DocuSign Power Form: Payment Request Form

If you are an approved signer on the grant or trust and you are claiming a reimbursement for yourself, use this version: Payment Request Form (With "One-Up" Approval) 

  • Are you submitting the Payment Request Form (With "One-Up" Approval) on behalf of your PI or someone else? If yes, use this version instead!


*Reimbursements for travel, please refer to the Travel section of this website.

Procurement Card (ProCards)

Procurement Card (ProCards)

The SPF ProCard simplifies the procurement process for low dollar purchases. It delegates authority and responsibility to cardholders to purchase these items directly from suppliers and replaces the need for requisitions, purchase orders, invoices and checks. Before using your new card, please review and become familiar with the processes and procedures, particularly the list of restricted and prohibited items.

If you are already in possession of an Humboldt ProCard, it cannot be used for SPF grant/contract or trust related purchases. You must apply for a separate SPF ProCard. Applications can be completed electronically, using the  ProCard Application DocuSign Power Form.

SPF ProCard usage is parallel to Cal Poly Humboldt’s guidelines with a few minor exceptions:

  • The Principal Investigator (PI) may sign off on the ProCard reconciliation statement as the approver. Whereas for the campus (state-side), the administrator for each department (MPP or department chair) must sign/approve the ProCard reconciliations. In the case of SPF, this can be the PI.
  • No additional approval is necessary for off-campus shipments. This additional step will not be required with SPF ProCards, as the main campus is often not the primary location for shipping/delivery in the case of grants and contracts. By signing the ProCard reconciliation, both the Cardholder and ‘One-Up’ are acknowledging that all goods were received.
  • Automatically Recurring Payments will be allowed depending on the nature of the service. Please contact your Grant Analyst to determine if your ProCard is the best method for these types of purchases.

Each month cardholders will receive a reminder email from Humboldt Procurement notifying them when monthly transactions have been posted in the system, as well as the deadline ProCard reconciliations must be submitted to Accounts Payable. As you apply for a ProCard, you sign a statement acknowledging your responsibilities as a cardholder, including consequences for misuse. Per that agreement, failure to complete the reconciliation process more than three times in a calendar year may result in your card being revoked.

If you run into any issues preventing your timely reconciliation/submission of your reports, please let your Grant Analyst know so they can work with you to find a manageable solution.


Updates on ProCard Use as of 8/9/2021

Automatically Recurring Payments: Automatically recurring payments (such as monthly subscriptions) can be established on your ProCard. Attach the monthly invoice to the reconciliation packet each month when submitted.

Deposits: If a deposit must be made, and there is not sufficient lead time to request a check, you may use your HMSPF ProCard if the vendor will accept a Credit Card Payment. All non-travel related deposits must be reconciled at the end of the month using the account code 107003 - OTHER ADVANCES. This will ensure accounting has visibility of outstanding advances, and your Post-Award Grant Analyst can later assist you with ‘clearing the advance.’

Space Rental Agreements:  All rental agreements must be signed by the SPF Executive Director; please note that Principal Investigators are not authorized to enter into contracts on behalf of the auxiliary. If you have a rental agreement, please route it to your Post-Award Grants Analyst to attain approval. If the vendor will accept a Credit Card Payment, for either the deposit or rental fee, you may put those charges on your HMSPF ProCard. When submitting your monthly reconciliation, you will need to attach both the invoice paid, as well as the signed rental agreement as backup documentation.

Long Term Leases:  All Long-Term Leases must also be signed by the SPF Executive Director.If you have a lease agreement, please route it to your Post-Award Grants Analyst to attain approval. If the landlord will accept a Credit Card Payment, for either the deposit or monthly rent, you may put those charges on your HMSPF ProCard. When submitting your monthly reconciliation, you will need to attach both the invoice paid, as well as the signed lease as backup documentation each month. If your default ProCard limit is too low to accommodate larger, monthly lease payments, please discuss the option of raising your ProCard monthly limit with your Post-Award Grant Analyst.

Utilities: Monthly utility payments (such as PG&E, water bills, etc..) can be paid on your ProCard. Please note this does not include ‘Wireless Device’ reimbursements, which are processed differently. Attach the monthly utility invoice to the reconciliation packet each month when submitted.

Student Award Request Form

Student Award Request Form

Process changes in progress. Contact (707) 826-4189 for immediate assistance. Check back on 8/16/24 for updated information.

Special Lecturer/Honorarium & Non-Student Stipend

Special Lecturer/Honorarium & Non-Student Stipend

The Non-Student Stipends, Honorariums, Special Lecturer Payment Form DocuSign Power Form is used to provide compensation to non-Humboldt employees, students, staff and faculty. Examples of when this form should be used are: visiting faculty/non-faculty providing a one-time lecture/service, providing stipends to grant/contract participants (non-Humboldt-related), providing an honorarium to an individual that is project/grant related. Please note that anyone being paid from this form will need to complete/submit a Payee Data Record a.k.a. "204 Form" 

This form should not be used to paid anyone who is doing work that can be considered hourly employment. Payment to the non-Humboldt related vendor will not be made until the work is completed. The date(s) of service specified on the form will determine when the payment is made.

Lost Receipt Form

Lost Receipt Form

The Lost Receipt Form should be completed/submitted whenever you are unable to provide your original receipts for your reimbursement packet. A good faith effort should be made to collect a copy of the receipt before using this form. The claimant lists, in detail, the circumstances surrounding the lost receipts and verifies the expense. The Lost receipt Form should be itemized (as the original receipt would have been). This includes listing taxes and fees separately from the cost of the items. Both an authorized project signer should sign this form, as well as the claimant.

Contact the SPF Front Office at (707) 826-4189 or if you need to initiate a DocuSign envelope to sign this form.