
The SPF Board of Directors governs the Sponsored Programs Foundation, a non-profit corporation formed to advance the welfare of Humboldt through the development, encouragement, and management of sponsored programs and other special campus programs and their related trusts. The Board of Directors is comprised of ex-offico campus administrators, elected faculty directors, and student representation. The board meets quarterly to provide financial oversight and programmatic direction to SPF management.

At each of the SPF Board of Director's meetings, there is time set aside for an “Open forum for the Humboldt Campus Community." Click here to view the procedures for speaking during the Open Forum.

Board Membership

The Sponsored Programs Foundation (SPF) Board of Director's is composed of the following:

  • University President
  • Vice President for Academic Affairs
  • Vice President for Enrollment Management
  • Vice President for Advancement
  • 1 Director from among the deans of the colleges and library
  • 7 Faculty Directors elected through the University Senate
  • 2 Student Directors (Undergraduate & Graduate) nominated through Associated Students
  • Community Directors as appointed by the University President 

Student Directors serve two-year terms while all other non-ex officio Directors serve overlapping terms of 4 years and may succeed themselves only once; all Directors are voting Directors.


Governing Documents

Board of Directors Manual (PDF) This is an informative tool created for our Board of Directors. This new manual includes our Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and all Board Resolutions in one easy to reference guide.

For easy reference, we created a ‘Quick Facts’ sheet for our Board Members that offers a snapshot of the Sponsored Programs Foundation and the types of activity the research foundation is engaged in. This outlines key speaking points that Board Members can reference or distribute when discussing the role SPF plays at Cal Poly Humboldt.

History of IDC Distribution to Cal Poly Humboldt

SPF receives revenue by including an indirect rate percentage on each proposal that is submitted through the foundation. This is the main source of revenue that is received through SPF and is to be used in the following manner in the priority order listed:

  1. Operating Expenses of SPF
  2. Maintain Cash Reserve as approved by Board of Directors 
  3. Budgeted University Use Funds
  4. Distribute any remaining revenue back to the University SPF trusts

The amount of revenue to be distributed back to the campus research community is to be approved annually by the Board of Directors. After the end of each fiscal year has been closed out, an analysis is done to determine the amount of remaining indirect revenue eligible to be distributed by the Board. A consolidated history of those campus distributions can be found here.